The Dutch Catechism of 1966, the first post-Vatican II Catholic catechism, reflects the Magisterium of the Dutch bishops. It was commissioned and authorized by the Catholic hierarchy of the Netherlands.
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The Dutch Catechism was intended by the Bishops of the Netherlands “to make the message of Jesus Christ sound as new as it is”.[1] It also intended to carry an ecumenical message; its forward states "Denominational differences, which shall not be blurred or ignored in this book, need not to be barriers. We hope that they may lead to discussions, where the human existence we share will receive further elucidation."[2]
The catechism has five parts and one supplement. The first part reviews the mystery of existence. The second part discusses other religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Humanism and Marxism, and the Spirit of God in the World. A special section describes the way of Israel in terms of God’s works, and Holy Scripture. The third part focuses on Christ. The way of Christ is subject of the fourth part. The final part focuses on the end of man, and his fulfillment in meeting God.
Since 1967, it was translated into numerous languages and sold millions of copies in different editions. In 1967 Time Magazine reported: "The Dutch catechism has become one of the year's religious bestsellers. Herder & Herder, publisher of the American edition, reports that its first printing of 75,000 copies was sold out in three weeks. [...] In The Netherlands, where the catechism has sold more than 400,000 copies so far, its publishers report that ten new translations will go to press in 1968."[3]
In the years following its issue, the Dutch Catechism was the only comprehensive book of its kind within the Church.
Time Magazine described the Catechism as, “a lively, undogmatic compendium of doctrine that reflects the most recent radical insights of theologians and scripture scholars”.[3]
Bishop Robert F. Joyce of Burlington, Vt., withdrew his imprimatur (permission to publish) from the American edition, and Holland's Bernard Jan Cardinal Alfrink complained that the book was going to press with an unauthorized use of his original imprimatur. Los Angeles' James Francis Cardinal Mclntyre banned it from the church-run bookstore in his archdiocese. The stores operated by Boston's Daughters of St. Paul also refused to display it.[3]
In the Vatican, basic questions were raised regarding the accuracy of some statements in the text. At the request of Pope Paul VI, a high ranking commission of a wide variety of Cardinals, including Charles Journet, Joseph Frings, Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre, Ermenegildo Florit, Michael Browne, and Lorenz Jäger, under the coordination of the respected moral theologian Pietro Palazzini, convened to offer different interpretations on several points. Issues examined were the Catechism's presentation of Holy Mass as a continuation of the sacrifice of the cross, the infallibility of the Church, the nature of the Eucharist, original sin, and various other points of moral and dogmatic theology. As a response to the Vatican commission, the Dutch bishops added the fifty page report as an appendix to the Catechism.
Birth control was a minor issue in the Dutch Catechism until the issuance of Humanae Vitae (HV) by Pope Paul VI some three years later. The Bishops of the Netherlands asked couples with questions to consult with doctors and priests, but ultimately to rely on their conscience.[4] After HV, this position of the Dutch Magisterium was hotly debated in the Church:
The Dutch Magisterium refused to alter this and other texts, despite requests from Pope Paul VI. John Paul II convened a special synod in 1979, to deal with problems the Church faced in the Netherlands on a number of issues.[6] Yet the bishops did not make changes in the authorized edition of their Catechism.
The Cardinals did conclude their report on the Dutch Catechism with a positive note: Through the preceding comments are not negligible, either in number or seriousness, they nonetheless leave by far the greatest part of the New Catechism untouched. So too, they support the praiseworthy intention of the authors.[7]
The document of the Magisterium if the Dutch bishops was unique in its scope until 1992, when the Vatican published its own comprehensive Catechism, a scholarly work, which, however, was primarily addressed to religious and scholars. It invited national bishop conferences to issue their own Catechisms for the faithful. "This catechism is given to them that it may be a sure and authentic reference text for teaching catholic doctrine and particularly for preparing local catechisms".[8] Thus, the issuance of local catechisms, such as the Dutch Catechism, was confirmed, although Dutch views on particular theological issues remain controversial within the Church.